
Night disc golf

A year-round leisure activity with added values ​​such as fresh air, walking, adventurous emotions and, of course, the magic of light. Is this what you are looking for? Congratulations, your search is over! In the dark forests of Mežaparks, bright lasers often shine in the autumn and winter periods, decorating the airBaltic Training Disc Golf…

Zakusala DiscGolfPark opening

A new disc golf course “Zaķusala Disc Golf Park” was solemnly opened in Riga On October 19 of this year, a new disc golf course “Zaķusala DiscGolfPark” was opened in Riga, Zaķusala, which was created by “UFOGOLF Latvija” in cooperation with the real estate developer “Merks majas”. The track is located in a unique location…

Group offer

Are you thinking about a gathering event in the work team? Looking for an activity for a class field trip? Want to throw a holiday party? Or do you want to challenge your friends in disc golf? We offer group disc golf events, where you can calmly enjoy the fresh atmosphere of Mežaparks and actively…

airBaltic Riga Open

Already this weekend, the biggest disc golf festival in Riga – Airbaltic Riga Open 2024 will take place for the first time, which will gather a large number of high-class players from 6 European countries here at airBaltic Disc Golf Park from August 16-18. With the Riga’s Birthday celebrations, anyone interested is invited to go…

Mezaparks 123

At the end of April, the bravest and strongest disc golf players met in Mežapark to play 123 baskets in honor of Mežapark’s 123-year anniversary! Marathon-worthy kilometers were walked, discs were thrown hundreds of times, food was well eaten and the TOP 6 players received gifts from supporters for this. At lunch, our taste buds…

airBaltic starts cooperation with the disc golf park in Riga

Latvian airline airBaltic has announced that in cooperation with the company Ufogolf the disc golf parks in Mežapark (Riga, Latvia) will henceforth be called airBaltic. Disc golf, also known as frisbee golf, has become one of the fastest growing sports in the world, especially in countries like Estonia, Finland and Sweden. It’s a great outdoor…

UFOGOLF gift for a real disc golfer

With the UFOGOLF season card, disk flying is more profitable in 2024! A great gift for yourself or others, with which you can unlimitedly improve your disc golf skills on the disc golf courses of the forest park and participate in the tournaments organized by UFOGOLF until December 31! Your advantages when purchasing an season…

Izdzīvo Mežaparku

Ģimenē ir neizsmeļams spēks un enerģija, kas palīdz augt un attīstīties ikvienam ģimenes loceklim. Dažreiz kāds uzņemas spēka lomu, citreiz kāds vēlas tikt apčubināts vairāk, taču tas viss apvienojas lielā kopības sajūtā. Šo kopības sajūtu vajag lutināt un pasargāt no ikdienas raizēm un kašķiem, tāpēc mēs UFOGOLF gribam piedāvāt palīdzēt lutināt kopības sajūtu rudens brīvdienās…

KOKMUIŽA Latvijas Kauss disku golfā 2023 – 2.posms

Jūsu ērtībām esam apkopojuši informāciju priekš Latvijas kausa 2. posma dalībniekiem.   KOKMUIŽA LATVIJAS KAUSS DISKU GOLFĀ 2023 – 2. POSMS 27.05. – 28.05.2023 Rīga, UFOGOLF Discgolfpark laukums Reģistrācija: noslēgsies 23.maijā https://ldgf.lv/sacensibas/latvijas-kauss-2-2023 FORMĀTS 2 dienas. Katru dienu 1 aplis (19 grozi). Golf starts. Max dalībnieku skaits – 177   SACENSĪBU NORISE Sestdiena 27.05. līdz 08:00…

Mežaparkam 122

29.aprīlī notiks divi lieli un nozīmīgi notikumi UFOGOLF laukumā! Pirmais un galvenais notikums “Mežaparkam 122″ gadu jubileja! “Mežaparka” apkārtne kļuvusi par iecienītu rīdzinieku atpūtas vietu jau 18. gs. vidū. 1901. gadā Rīgas pilsētas vadība, sekojot tālaika Eiropā valdošajām modernajām tendencēm, nolemj šeit izveidot sabiedrisko parku pēc Vācijas un Anglijas paraugiem. To var uzskatīt par “Mežaparka”…